Using the p-series test to determine convergence
What is the p-series test for convergence?
If we have a series ???a_n??? in the form
then we can use the p-series test for convergence to say whether or not ???a_n??? will converge. The p-series test says that
???a_n??? will converge when ???p>1???
???a_n??? will diverge when ???p\le1???
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The key is to make sure that the given series matches the format above for a p-series, and then to look at the value of ???p??? to determine convergence.
How to use the p-series test to determine convergence?
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Let’s do a couple more examples where we determine convergence or divergence using the p-series test
Use the p-series test to say whether or not the series converges.
In order to use the p-series test, we need to make sure the format of the given series matches the format above for a p-series, so we’ll rewrite the given series as
In this format, we can see that ???p=1/2???. The p-series test tells us that ???a_n??? diverges when ???p\le1???, so we can say that this series diverges.
Let’s try a second example.
The key is to make sure that the given series matches the format above for a p-series, and then to look at the value of p to determine convergence.
Use the p-series test to say whether or not the series converges.
In order to use the p-series test, we need to make sure the format of the given series matches the format above for a p-series, so we’ll rewrite the given series as
In this format, we can see that ???p=4/3???. The p-series test tells us that ???a_n??? converges when ???p>1???, so we can say that this series converges.