Different types of studies for statistics
Why we take samples and run studies
If we want to put to good use everything we’ve learned so far about data, we’ll need to know how to run studies in a way that gives us good, reliable data. In this section we’ll talk about different kinds of studies we can use to collect data, including observational studies and experiments.
In the next section we’ll talk about how to make sure these studies are producing reliable results.
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The goal of collecting samples
The purpose of statistics is to gather information (data) about the world around you and analyze it in some way to help make sense of it.
Because collecting data for an entire population is usually difficult or impossible, we instead choose a smaller sample of the larger population, and then analyze the data for the sample, hoping that our results will translate to the larger population.
Characteristics like mean and standard deviation are called statistics when we calculate them for a sample. A parameter is the corresponding characteristic of the population that the statistic is trying to estimate. So we could choose a sample, calculate the sample mean (a statistic), and then use what we know about the sample mean to make inferences about the population mean (a parameter).
Observational study
In an observational study, you’re just looking at the information that’s already there, or measuring it in some way, but you’re adding nothing to the population that will change it in any way. In statistics, something that changes a population is called a treatment, so for an observational study, no treatment is applied.
One-way data
For example, let’s say you want to know whether all the students at your school prefer peanut butter or jelly. You may choose to use the students in your classroom as a sample in order to estimate the preferences of the entire population (all the students at your school).
You ask every student in your classroom if they prefer peanut butter or jelly, and they give you an answer of “peanut butter” or an answer of “jelly.” You now have one-way data in which the individuals are the students in your classroom, and the variable is “Peanut butter or jelly?” If you find that ???70\%??? of your classmates prefer peanut butter, you might infer that ???70\%??? of all the kids at your school also prefer peanut butter.
Notice that you didn’t do anything here except ask a question and record the responses. You didn’t do anything that would change anyone’s mind in any way, because you just wanted to make an observation about what was already going on.
Keep in mind that it’s only true that ???70\%??? of the students in your school prefer peanut butter if the students in your classroom make up a random, representative, unbiased sample of the whole school, which they may not. In fact, we’d say that you introduced bias into your study by convenience sampling, which we’ll talk about soon.
Two-way data
Sometimes you might want to collect two-way data in an observational study, (as opposed to just one-way data in the above example) and understand how two parameters might move together in a population.
Maybe this time we want to know how height effects peanut butter and jelly preference. In other words, this time we’ll survey all the students in our school, asking them whether they prefer peanut butter or jelly, and record this information along with their height.
We’re looking to see how much height and peanut butter/jelly preference are correlated, if at all.
Keep in mind that even if we found that peanut butter/jelly preference and height were positively correlated, such that the taller you were the more likely you were to prefer peanut butter, and the shorter you were the more likely you were to prefer jelly, we could only show correlation, not causation.
Two variables are correlated when they move together predictably. The variables are positively correlated when they increase together or decrease together. Variables are negatively correlated when they increase and decrease in opposite directions: one goes down while the other goes up, or one goes up while the other goes down.
On the other hand, causation means that one variable causes another variable to change. But just because you show correlation does not mean that you’ve proven causation.
For example, even if height and peanut butter/jelly preference are correlated, we don’t know if being taller causes you to like peanut butter more, or if liking peanut butter more causes you to be tall. We don’t know which variable causes which. Nor do we know if there’s a confounding variable, which is a third variable that leads to both of the variables that were correlated. For example, being male might cause you to be both taller and to like peanut butter more than jelly.
Experimental studies
In an experiment, you’re manipulating what’s happening, and trying to establish causality, not just correlation.
To run an experiment, you assign people into at least two different groups, hopefully using good random sampling techniques, so that your groups aren’t biased in some way.
One group acts as the control group, which is the group that does nothing, receives nothing, or isn’t manipulated, and the other is the treatment group (also called the experimental group), which is the group that does something, receives something, or is treated in some way. The classic example of this is in medical studies, where the treatment group receives some kind of new drug, and the control group receives a placebo, or sugar pill.
In an experiment, you’re looking to see whether one or more explanatory variables (the treatment) has an effect on the response variable (whatever is expected to be effected). If you’re testing to see whether a new drug decreases blood pressure, the new drug would be the explanatory variable (the thing that explains the change), and blood pressure would be the response variable (the thing that might decrease as a result of the drug).
Even if your experiment shows a change in the response variable, you still may need to be skeptical of your conclusion. Did you run a good experiment? Could the results have been biased in some way? Was the effect you saw just simply due to random chance or the placebo effect?
There are other things you can do to make your experiment more reliable. For example, you could make your experiment blind or double-blind. A blind experiment is when the participants don’t know whether they’re in the control group or the treatment group. A double-blind experiment is when neither the participants nor the people administering the experiment know which group anyone is in.
Matched pairs
When researchers separate participants into like groups, it’s called blocking. For example, researchers might choose to block on gender by randomly selecting an equal number of men and women, instead of a truly random sample in which the number of men and women isn’t controlled.
If they then treat half of the men and half of the women with the drug, and give a placebo to the other half of the men and the other half of the women, the blocking on gender helps them to see if the drug effects men and women differently.
A matched pairs experiment is a more specific kind of blocking where you make sure that the participants in your experimental group and control group are matched based on similar characteristics.
Maybe these researchers want to see how both gender and age change the effect of the blood pressure drug. They could match the ages and genders in the control group with the ages and genders in the experimental group. For example, they could put one ???18???-year-old woman in the treatment group, and put her matched pair (another ???18???-year-old woman) in the control group.
A matched pairs experiment design is an improvement over a completely randomized design, because participants are still randomly assigned into the treatment and control groups, but potentially confounding variables, like age and gender, are controlled for.
You also want to make sure that other people can replicate your experiment. If other people can run the same experiment in the same way, and they get the same results that you do, that provides more evidence that your results are legitimate.