Different symbols for multiplication

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There are several ways to indicate multiplication

When you first learned about multiplication you most likely learned about the times symbol ???\times???.

Now that you are getting into more advanced math, the traditional symbol ???\times??? can often be confused for ???x???. Many textbooks will now be using parentheses or a dot instead of the times symbol.

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Multiplication Symbols:

Times ???a\times b=c???

Dot ???a\cdot b=c???

Parentheses ???(a)(b)=c???

Variables next to each other ???ab=c???

The last way to multiply (no symbols) is only to be used with variables. If there are two numbers being multiplied you must use a multiplication symbol.


Examples of the different ways to show multiplication

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Rewriting multiplication


Write ???5??? times ???2??? three different ways.

When we multiply ???5??? and ???2??? together, we can write that as

???5\times 2=10???

???5\cdot 2=10???


Let’s try another example to identify multiplication.

Identifying multiplication for Algebra 1.jpg

the traditional “


symbol can often be confused for the variable x.


Simplify the expression.

???2\cdot 4\times3(5)(2\cdot2)???

All of these symbols represent multiplication. Remember that multiplication can be done in any order.

???8\times 3(5)(2\cdot2)???




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