Finding the equation of a plane
Formulas for the equation of a plane
The equation of a plane is given by the formula
where ???\langle{a},b,c\rangle??? are the direction numbers from the normal vector to the plane.
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Given three points in the plane ???P(P_1,P_2,P_3)???, ???Q(Q_1,Q_2,Q_3)??? and ???R(R_1,R_2,R_3)???, we can find the equation of the plane by
using the points to generate two vectors
taking the cross product of ???\vec{PQ}??? and ???\vec{PR}??? to get the normal vector to the plane
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=\begin{vmatrix}\bold i&\bold j&\bold k\\PQ_1&PQ_2&PQ_3\\PR_1&PR_2&PR_3\end{vmatrix}=\bold i\begin{vmatrix}PQ_2&PQ_3\\PR_2&PR_3\end{vmatrix}-\bold j\begin{vmatrix}PQ_1&PQ_3\\PR_1&PR_3\end{vmatrix}+\bold k\begin{vmatrix}PQ_1&PQ_2\\PR_1&PR_2\end{vmatrix}???
???=\bold i(PQ_2PR_3-PQ_3PR_2)-\bold j(PQ_1PR_3-PQ_3PR_1)???
???+\bold k(PQ_1PR_2-PQ_2PR_1)???
and then plugging the given points and the normal vector into the formula for the equation of the plane.
Given three points that lie in the plane, we’ll use a specific formula to find th equation of the plane
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Finding a plane from three points that lie in the plane
Find the equation of the plane that passes through the given points.
We’ll start by using the given points ???P???, ???Q??? and ???R??? to find two vectors ???\vec{PQ}??? and ???\vec{PR}??? that lie in the plane.
We’ll start by using the given points P, Q and R to find two vectors PQ and PR that lie in the plane.
Taking the cross product of these two vectors, we get
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=\begin{vmatrix}\bold i&\bold j&\bold k\\1&-1&1\\0&-1&0\end{vmatrix}???
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=\bold i\begin{vmatrix}-1&1\\-1&0\end{vmatrix}-\bold j\begin{vmatrix}1&1\\0&0\end{vmatrix}+\bold k\begin{vmatrix}1&-1\\0&-1\end{vmatrix}???
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=\left[(-1)(0)-(1)(-1)\right]\bold i-\left[(1)(0)-(1)(0)\right]\bold j+\left[(1)(-1)-(-1)(0)\right]\bold k???
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=(0+1)\bold i-(0-0)\bold j+(-1-0)\bold k???
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=1\bold i-0\bold j-1\bold k???
???\vec{PQ}\times\vec{PR}=\langle 1,0,-1\rangle???
Now we’ll plug any of the given points, we’ll use ???P???, and the direction numbers from the cross product into the formula for the equation of the plane.